Πώς να υπολογίσετε τη Συνολική Αποτελεσματικότητα Εξοπλισμού (OEE)

Calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Learn about Overall Equipment Effectiveness, a KPI measuring how effectively resources operate in a manufacturing business Ιn the world of manufacturing, optimizing operational efficiency is a key goal for businesses seeking to maximize productivity and profitability. One important metric that plays a crucial role in measuring and improving efficiency is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). OEE […]

Γιατί το 70% των έργων ψηφιακού μετασχηματισμού αποτυγχάνουν, ενώ το ποσοστό επιτυχίας του Epoptia MES είναι 99%

Learn about digital transformation and why many projects fail, while Epoptia offers a high success rate Digital transformation has become a buzzword in the business world, promising improved efficiency, enhanced productivity and increased profitability. However, the reality is that many digital transformation projects fail to deliver the expected results. In fact, research suggests that up […]

Ένας οδηγός για την ανάλυση αιτιών στη παραγωγή

Root Cause Analysis in Manufacturing

Learn about Root Cause Analysis, a process used to identify the underlying causes of problems in manufacturing In the fast-paced and complex world of manufacturing, problems and challenges are inevitable. From production delays to quality issues, these problems can have a significant impact on productivity, customer satisfaction, and the bottom line. That’s where Root Cause […]

Εξάλειψη των σημείων συμφόρησης στη παραγωγή

Root Cause Analysis in Manufacturing

Learn about eliminating bottlenecks and increase the overall efficiency of your manufacturing business Manufacturing is a complex process that involves various stages and processes. From sourcing raw materials to delivering finished products, every step is critical for the success of a manufacturing business. Nonetheless, even the most optimized processes can still face challenges and one […]

Ένας κρίσιμος οδηγός για το Bill of Materials (BOM)

Eliminating Bottlenecks in Manufacturing

Read our guide to Bill of Materials and learn about different types of BOMs, their benefits and what to include in them. A Crucial Guide to Bill of Materials (BOM): If you work in manufacturing, then you are probably familiar with the term “Bill of Materials” (BOM). A Bill of Materials is a comprehensive list […]
